Low Vision

Check out the wide range of Low Vision Aids available at Awada Vision!

Common beliefs got the majority of people thinking that Low Vision is a condition that prohibits patients from completing their daily activities or staying at their jobs. So, Awada Vision strives to change these assumptions and aims at giving people with low vision hopes that they can still be productive members of their society with the right tools and low vision aids.

Take a look below and explore the different devices that can help low vision patients overcome their condition.


Electronic magnifiers are a perfect option amongst the low vision aids to help complete daily tasks. They come in different sizes, and with different features. However, they all hold the similar purpose of making simple tasks the easiest possible for low vision patients.


The ultimate solution for improving the close and far vision with one tool. The telescopic magnifiers help patients to watch T.V, and students to see the board, book, laptop. Furthermore, they are perfect for patients who wish to drive.

Additionally, telescopic magnifiers are available in different sizes and magnifying powers to suit many cases of low vision.


Optical magnifiers are a great way to assist low vision patients in their daily lives. For the purpose of improving patients sight, they function in a subtle and effective way. From the simplest devices to more advanced features, optical magnifiers come in a wide range of different products suitable for a variety of cases.


Filters are essential additions to protect the eyes from UV rays and blue lights. “Better to be safe than sorry” is what makes these filters an important must have.